Are you looking for
information on how to reach Gokarna or Gokarna beach from Bangalore or other
source of location? If so, you are in the right page to get the right travel
and tourist information in time. I had recently traveled to Gokarna and would
like to share my unique travel experience with you. If you are beach or natural
lover and would like to visit a different place for a while as a change then Gokarna is one of the best
places to visit in India.
The thing is for Bangaloreans, beach in other state like Tamilnadu, Chennai is closer (around 400kms) than Karnataka state’s own beaches like Gokarna, Karwar, Udupi etc. which is around 700 to 800 kms via train. The closest beach in Karnataka for Bangalorean is most probably the Mangalore one, which is almost the same distance of Chennai. The difference is, Chennai beach is of Bay of Bengal direction and the Karnataka beaches are toward Arabian sea.
The thing is for Bangaloreans, beach in other state like Tamilnadu, Chennai is closer (around 400kms) than Karnataka state’s own beaches like Gokarna, Karwar, Udupi etc. which is around 700 to 800 kms via train. The closest beach in Karnataka for Bangalorean is most probably the Mangalore one, which is almost the same distance of Chennai. The difference is, Chennai beach is of Bay of Bengal direction and the Karnataka beaches are toward Arabian sea.